About Us

Emery Go-Round is a fare-free shuttle service, open to all Emeryville residents, shoppers, visitors and employees of Emeryville businesses. The service is primarily funded by property owners in the citywide transportation business improvement district (PBID).

Emery Go-Round is a service of the Emeryville Transportation Management Association, a non-profit organization whose primary objective is to increase access and mobility to, from and within Emeryville while alleviating congestion through operation of the shuttle program. The organization is governed by a Board of Directors, who also serve as the official representatives of property owners for the business improvement district.  The Board of Directors hold regular meetings which are open to the public. The meetings are scheduled for the third Thursday of each month and are held at various locations throughout Emeryville.  For Board agenda packets, see below.  If you would like to be added to the agenda packet distribution list, please email the ETMA ✉.

Board of Directors

Bobby Lee
Residential Member – Chair

Andrew Allen
Business Member – Secretary

Geoff Sears
Wareham Development – Treasurer

Peter Schreiber
Pixar Animation Studios – Vice Chair 

Calvin Jordan
Residential Member 

Colin Osborne
Business Member

Andrea Kirkpatrick
Oxford Properties

David Palomo
Bay Street/CenterCal

Ally Fitzmaurice
Bay Center Investors, LLC

Laurie Berberich
SPU 2100 Powell LP



The ETMA Board Meetings are typically held at 11:00 AM on the third Tuesday of each month. Meeting locations may vary. 
To download the meeting agenda packet, please click on the meeting date below.

If you have any questions please email us

Agenda Packets

If you would like to receive a copy of an agenda packet prior to 2015 or if you would like to be added to our packet distribution list, please email us

2025 Packets

JANUARY 21, 2025 Agenda Packet 


Our Staff

Daniel Oliver
Altrans – Executive Director

Janet Shipp
Altrans – Executive Assistant


Gina Munn
MV Transportation – Operations Manager